Instagram Marketing:
Turn Your Followers Into Paying Customers With Instagram Images!

Issa Adebayo
10 min readNov 1, 2020
Instagram Marketing

Instagram had close to 1 billion users logging into it social media network every single month — even before being acquired by Facebook, and with hundreds and hundreds of millions of users logging in every single day.

Over the years, one of the most popular and frequently visited social media networks on the planet is Instagram.

The fact remains that people continue to log into Facebook, but aren’t anywhere near as active on the platform as they used to be on Instagram.

This could be because, Instagram was able to cultivate a truly active social media platform in a way that many of the other social media services haven’t been able to.

Research shows that for every individual photograph or image posted to Facebook, for example will get about 10000 likes — compared to 55,000 likes and 1000 comments on Instagram for the same image or photograph.

This is a game change especially when it comes to marketing and advertising in the digital world today.

As far as marketing and advertising opportunities are concerned, Instagram has a lot to offer and you’d have to be at least a little bit crazy not to leverage on the platform.

Instagram can be an effective tool to help you build your business as it’s the key to numerous online marketing empires, and it can be the financial future you’ve always dreamed of as well.

You have to be really smart and savvy to make the most of Instagram to achieve these.

Instagram is so deceptively simple to get started with and I am sure you don’t want to be like every other person who get lured into being kind of lazy with Instagram marketing and the strategies that they leverage.

Below are some expert’s information put together to help you build the kind of business and brand on Instagram that will set you up for unbelievable success.

Ready to get started?

Let’s get dive in!


Target Audience

Majority of people getting ready to market on Instagram stumble with or ignore this stage completely, whereas it is the final nail in their coffin before they even get started in the first place!

You must first define what your ideal prospect is most interested in, the kinds of content that they really gravitate to, understand exactly what’s happening in your market before you can have any real success whatsoever with online marketing. i.e you have to get the clear picture of who really is your ideal prospect…

This is the heart and soul of a proven marketing approach!

To hit the ground running with your new Instagram efforts isn’t quite as “sexy” as leveraging the latest Instagram marketing tactic.

Smart and savvy marketers always try to create a brand that really resonates with what they are most interested in and the business of their dreams, wish it what you should be doing.

This is especially deadly for business owners and entrepreneurs that are
trying to “scratch their own itch” and feel like they are the best customer for their products or services.

These are the kinds of business owners and entrepreneurs that are going to color all of their marketing and advertising according to what they would be most attracted to, as opposed to what the majority of their market is interested in.

Avoid this same mistake at all cost.

Instead, create a customer avatar that is as detailed as humanly possible
about whom your perfect prospect is.

Know their age, their marital status, their hobbies, their interests outside of your products and services, the income that they are likely to pull down, and absolutely everything else you can come up with to really zero in on EXACTLY who they are.

That is when you will be able to create the kind of Instagram content (and other pieces of marketing content) that will really resonate with them as a core individual.

This is when you have an almost unfair competitive advantage over your competitors, this is when you’re able to turn up the heat, and this is when you’re able to knock your marketing out of the park.

Speaking of your competitors…


Competition Analysis

It is absolutely impossible for you to have any measure of success on
Instagram whatsoever without first understanding what your competitors are doing right now that you have to do better and what the lay of the land is like.

The odds are pretty good that there are at least a handful of other companies and businesses selling exactly what you have to offer — and they already have a head start on Instagram, unless you are inventing a brand-new product or service that the world has never seen before (unlikely but possible)!

The important thing for you to understand is that you now have an almost invisible head start over your competitors (and that head start is all their fault).

By paying attention to the content that they publish on Instagram for say 30 days or so you will get insider information from these competitors without them even realizing that they are doing the heavy lifting for you when it comes to your Instagram marketing

You are going to have the opportunity to watch the kinds of content that
they publish, find out which kinds of content gets the most engagement
from your target market, and which kinds of content are kind of met with no real reaction whatsoever.

Also, you are also going to be able to measure the frequency with which these competitors market and figure out whether or not this has an
impact on engagement levels.

Some businesses are able to hit it right out of the park with daily or weekly posts, but if your competitor is publishing content on a weekly basis, you may be able to squeeze right in and capture a larger section of market share just by ramping up the speed in which you put out new content.

You’re also going to be able to tell how they are using Instagram as a piece of the larger marketing puzzle (something that we are really going to touch on in just a moment).

This is where the real savvy marketers are able to turn Instagram traffic into floods of cold hard cash, and something that you are going to have to
master as quickly as possible.

More importantly, is that by paying attention to your competition you are also going to be able to find new partners that may help you skyrocket your success right out of the gate.

By looking at your competitors, finding the kind of content that they are
interested in sharing (that your market is most interested in as well), and
then offering to provide some of that content to them in exchange for a
“mention” you can piggyback off of the following that they have already
developed and jumpstart your success as well.

It’s really all about finding leverage points and squeezing every single drop out of every Instagram post you make.

You cannot just throw content on Instagram (or any other social media platform) in a willy-nilly kind of fashion and expect to have any real success whatsoever. It just isn’t going to happen that way.

Spying on your competition will give you tremendous insight into what they are doing successfully (so you can model the same) and what they are doing unsuccessfully so you can avoid that pitfall and pivot it into a competitive advantage. It really doesn’t get much better than that!

Consistency is King on Instagram

Consistency is Key

When you are serious about building up a brand with Instagram posts (and almost essential in business today), regardless of how rebellious or irreverent your brand is, you have to fall in love with consistency.

Think about this…

Each and every single day, every human being in America is bombarded with literally thousands and thousands of pieces of advertising — just like almost everyone else around the planet.

There is so much “noise” out there that we can hardly pay attention to half of that, even if we are really interested in whatever it is that we are

To cut through all of this noise with more “signal” — to reach out and connect with your prospects on Instagram — you have to reach out to them effectively, consistently, and reliably.

One study suggests that Instagram marketing is really only “impactful” and influential after seven separate interactions with your Instagram account or content.

“You have to make sure that every single piece of Instagram content you publish is
integrated with your brand so that it is immediately recognizable as YOU!”

You also have to make sure that you post your content on a regular and
consistent basis so that your market can come to expect new posts from you at a particular point in time.

Think about how difficult it would be for you to follow up with your favorite TV show if it was on Wednesday one week, Sunday the next, Thursday the week after that, and then went on a three week break until it returned on Monday night and then Tuesday night right afterwards.

Sure, you may be able to capture the attention of some “channel flippers” on Instagram with this kind of shotgun style approach to marketing, but you’re never going to be able to build up the kind of consistent and engaged following that you would have been able to if you had avoided that willy-nilly style and instead stuck to an obvious schedule (like posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for example).

All of the biggest companies on the planet have and stick religiously to
marketing calendars for this exact reason.

Not only does it allow them to plan out their marketing and their content
releases months in advance (giving them the ability to really fine tune each piece of marketing/content so that it fits seamlessly into their overall
marketing push), but it also allows them to communicate consistently with their followers in a way that everyone understands and relates to.

This kind of consistency creates a real relationship and affinity with your
market and your followers that just isn’t going to exist otherwise. It can be rather difficult to come up with content on a regular basis like this, but that’s what the content partnerships mentioned above are for.

Trust me, building out that content calendar is essential if you’re going to
systemize your business and have any real chance at tremendous success in Instagram marketing today.

Make Instagram part of your overall marketing puzzle

Marketing Puzzle

The last thing to really touch on here is the value and importance of making sure that Instagram is just a small part of your marketing and advertising machine — an essential part for sure, but definitely not the only part of your marketing or advertising responsible for the “heavy lifting” of turning complete strangers into fanatical returning customers.

Too many people try to have Instagram do all of the heavy lifting for them never to realize that Instagram wasn’t established to do all of that heavy lifting, and the results they get from using Instagram as an “entry point” into a fine-tuned marketing funnel would provide them with much better results (and cost a lot less as well).

Think of Instagram content — each and every single image you post — as a
headline that is designed primarily to capture the attention of your perfect
prospect and then move them quickly deeper and deeper into your social
media accounts, your marketing funnels, and eventually your shopping cart.

A picture is definitely worth 1000 words (that cannot be debated), but you also aren’t going to be able to sell products and services directly from your Instagram account alone.

By using Instagram as the entry point into your funnel, you’re able to capture the
attention and interest of your perfect prospects while pushing them deeper and
deeper into other web properties as well.

By capturing their contact information or getting them to engage with you
on other social media platforms, you increase the strength of the

This is definitely going to transfer into better influence and a higher
opportunity of converting them into a paying customer — and that’s the
bread and butter of turning social media into marketing and advertising

Closing Thoughts

At the end of the day, success on Instagram is a lot easier than most people make it out to be.

Yes, you have to be smart about how you use these tools and about how you implement each Instagram image you post (at least as far as how it fits into your overall marketing machine).

With a little bit of focus and some strategic thinking, you shouldn’t have any trouble whatsoever catapulting yourself to the top of your market faster than you ever would have thought possible before.

Arm yourself with all of the inside information I have been able to share
with you above, and you’ll have no trouble whatsoever really hitting the
ground running.

Instagram makes it really easy to succeed (especially when you spy on your competitors and use their best content strategies against them), and once you understand exactly who your perfect prospect is and what they want from your Instagram account most, it becomes almost effortless to succeed.

Fold Instagram into your marketing machine as seamlessly and efficiently as possible, and the sky is the limit as far as your success is concerned!

To Your Success



Issa Adebayo

Entrepreneur with great passion for self reliance, Freelance SEO Content Writer in the Health and Personal Development Niche.